[20528] Soothing Breath II Target: Self Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes Focusable: Yes Casting: 2.5s Duration: 6s+ (1 ticks), Dispelable: Yes 8: Increase Current Mana by 25 per tick 10: Increase Current HP by 25 per tick Land On Self: You exhale a puff of Selay's breath. Land On Other: exhales a puff of Selay's breath. Wears Off: Selay's breath leaves you.
Activating this item will unlock a passive alternate advancement ability that will increase your mana and hit-point regeneration by 25. This passive ability will overwrite the 'Knowledge of the Past' ability line.
Worn Details:
[9616] Sharpshooting VII Target: Self Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes Focusable: Yes Casting: 0s Duration: 60m+ (600 ticks), Dispelable: Yes 1: Increase Chance to Hit with Archery by 21% 2: Increase Chance to Hit with Throwing by 21%
Focuses your hand-eye coordination, increasing your ranged attack accuracy.