[3583] Tiny Companion Classes: SHD/19 DRU/17 SHM/16 NEC/19 MAG/19 ENC/19 BST/19 Skill: Alteration Mana: 50 Target: Pet Range: 200' Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes Focusable: Yes Casting: 4s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s 1: Decrease Pet Size by 50% Land On Self: You feel smaller. Land On Other: shrinks. Wears Off: You return to normal height.
Shrinks your pet, allowing it better mobility in tight quarters.
Worn Details:
[9616] Sharpshooting VII Target: Self Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes Focusable: Yes Casting: 0s Duration: 60m+ (600 ticks), Dispelable: Yes 1: Increase Chance to Hit with Archery by 21% 2: Increase Chance to Hit with Throwing by 21%
Focuses your hand-eye coordination, increasing your ranged attack accuracy.
Bard Details:
[11332] Enhanced Minion VI Target: Single Range: 100' Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes Focusable: Yes Casting: 0s Duration: 3.3h+ (1950 ticks), Dispelable: Yes 1: Increase Pet Power (80) 2: Limit Max Level: 90 (lose 100% per level) 3: Limit Min Level: 76
Empowers certain spells between levels 76 and 90 to summon more powerful minions.