Magic No Trade
Level Needed: MAG/118
Skill: Conjuration
Mana Cost: 2054
Scroll Effect:
WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL
Class: MAG
Race: ALL
Favor Value:
Scroll Details:
[63730] Beam of Falchions Classes: MAG/118 Skill: Conjuration Mana: 2054 Target: Frontal AE Range: 150', AE Range: 30' Resist: Magic -10 Can Trigger Spell DS: Yes Can Break Root: Yes Focusable: Yes Casting: 3s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s Max Targets: 12 1: Decrease Current HP by 21503 Spell Group: Beam of Falchions Land On Self: Flying blades slice your flesh. Land On Other: is struck by flying blades.
Summons a beam of blades that fly in front of the caster, inflicting 21503 damage to up to 12 enemies within the area of effect.