Magic No Pet Marketplace No Destroy No Ground
Charges: 1
Effect: One Weird Trick (Casting Time: 2.0)
Recast Delay: 5 seconds
WT: 1.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
When activated, this card will grant you two prize items from the The Jarsath Destroyer, Fall of the Estarim, Debt of the Ratonga, or Drakkinshard sets of Legends of Norrath. You will always get two prizes. These prizes can be traded to other players until they are activated.
Grants two prizes from Jarsath, FotE, DotR, or Drakkinshard
Yes (up to 500)
Click Details:
[39949] Use Ability Target: Self Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: No Focusable: Yes Casting: 0s, Recast: 12s